How to get prices from Baixens?
There are 3 options in order to obtain prices from Baixens:
- Apply for them via e-mail: info@baixens.com
- Apply for them from your local sales technician.
- Accessing our website’s private area using your customer username and password
Can I process my orders online?
Yes, you can. In order to do so you have to go to the customer area on our website, using your username and password.
Where can I check the user manuals of Baixens products?
These manuals are located on the Applications/Products tab, search for the products that you require, to look up its applications and click on it. The manuals can also be consulted on the Sales Help tab where all the manuals, catalogues and brochures of the products are available.
What is a Data Sheet?
A Data Sheet gathers information on the characteristics and uses of a product, amongst other additional data.
What is a Safety Data Sheet?
A Safety Data Sheet is a document in which the characteristics of the substances that form the product are included in order to protect the physical integrity of the user.
Where can I consult the Data Sheet of Baixens products?
The Data Sheet is located on the Applications/Products tab, clicking on each specific product.
Where can I check the Safety Data Sheet of Baixens products?
The Safety Data Sheet is located on the Applications/Products tab, clicking on each product specifically.
What are the differences between a Data Sheet and a Comercial-Sales Data Sheet?
A Data Sheet includes more comprehensive details about the product than a Commercial-Sales Data Sheet.
How can I access to the training courses?
You can register using any of the following options:
- Filling in the application form on our website www.baixens.es/sistema-applicatore-corso-sate
- Sending an e-mail to info@baixens.com
- Calling phone number +(34) 96 175 08 34